2023 NIST Golf Association By-Laws
Revised: April 29, 2023 (
see changes)
The name of this organization shall be the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Golf Association (GA).
The objectives of the NIST GA are to provide for competition amongst NIST employees in a friendly spirit, exercise and relaxation, and to promote an interest in golf.
ARTICLE III. Membership
A member of the NIST GA shall meet the following:
- An active or retired NIST employee, a past employee of NIST, or an immediate family member (16 years old) of a current GA member, and
- A Member or Friend of SEBA, and
- Has paid the annual GA dues.
- A member is a senior member if that member is 60 years of age prior to the planned first day of play.
ARTICLE IV. Officers
- President - The President shall preside over all meetings of the GA, the Outing and Awards Committee (OAC), and the Rules Committee and make appointments to Committees as necessary with representation from each division. The President, or his designate, shall decide if scheduled play is to be canceled because of inclement weather, at least one hour before scheduled tee time, or at the golf course, if necessary.
- Vice President - The V/P shall assume the duties of the President in his absence and serve on the Outing and Awards Committee.
- Secretary/Treasurer - The S/T shall keep the records and proceedings of the meetings, collect and disburse all funds, submit an annual report to the Auditing Committee, and serve on the Outing and Awards Committee.
- Scorekeeper - The S/K shall assign teams to divisions, schedule match play, and compile and publish handicaps, statistics, and standings on a weekly basis throughout the season, and serve on the Outing and Awards Committee.
ARTICLE V. Meetings
The annual meeting shall be held during the month of February or March on a date specified by the President. Special meetings may be called by the President throughout the year. The President shall notify all members of any meeting at least two weeks in advance.
ARTICLE VI. Committees
- List of Committees
- Rules Committees (8)
- Auditing Committee (2)
- Outing and Awards Committee (4)
- Nominating Committee (4)
- All committees shall be appointed by the President prior to League play.
- Duties of Committees
- Rules Committee - the Rules Committee shall consist of eight members, the four Officers and a representative from each division. The Rules Committee shall meet at the request of the President and rule on all disputes and protests. Members involved in a dispute shall not serve on the Rules Committee.
- Auditing Committee - The Auditing Committee shall consist of two members and annually audit the books of the S/T and report at the Annual Meeting.
- Outing and Awards Committee - The Outing and Awards Committee, comprised of the four Officers and at least 2 regular members, shall be responsible for the conduct and operations of all field day events, including but not limited to scheduling, banquet, trophies, and prizes.
- Nominating Committee - The Nominating Committee shall consist of one representative of each division and submit a list of candidates for the various officer positions to the President at least one week prior to the Annual Meeting.
The annual dues shall be determined at the annual meeting and shall be paid, together with the annual greens fee, prior to the beginning of league play. The Officers shall not pay dues and the S/K shall not pay match play green fees.
ARTICLE VIII. Terms of Office
The Officers shall serve for approximately one year, commencing at the close of business at the annual meeting. The Officers may be reelected.
ARTICLE IX. Election of Officers
The nomination and election of Officers shall be as follows:
- Nominations of candidates for each office may be made from the floor at the annual meeting, following the report of the Nominating Committee, provided that each nomination from the floor is seconded by at least two members,
- No candidate may be nominated without his or her consent, nor can any person may be nominated for more than one office, and
- Election of Officers, to be held at the annual meeting, shall be by a show of hands and a plurality of the members present and voting shall be necessary to elect the officers.
- Twenty-five (25) percent of the membership shall be required at any annual or special meeting of the general GA membership. Business shall be conducted by a majority of those members present and voting.
- Four members of the Rules Committee shall constitute a quorum. A majority of the members present and voting shall be necessary to rule on all disputes and protests and approve all rules of play.
ARTICLE XI.Parliamentary Procedure
Issues on parliamentary procedure are resolved according to Roberts Rules of Order.
ARTICLE XII.Changes to the By-Laws
Changes to the By-Laws shall be made at the annual meeting. A two-thirds majority of the members present and voting shall be necessary for adoption.
ARTICLE XIII. Formation of Leagues and Divisions
The GA shall consist of one leagues divided into three divisions each as follows:
- The league will be comprised of Divisions A and B, and C. (or adapted as needed, 2019 - 2 divisions, A and B)
- The S/K, before the start of each season, shall rank all of the team handicaps and divide the total ranks into the separate divisions, A, B, and C. Team rankings will be determined based on a weighted average (number of rounds played in the previous year) of each member of the team.
- A team shall consist of at least two and no more than 4 members.
ARTICLE XIV. Handicaps
- New players should play 18 holes to determine their division and handicaps, if not already established. A new player with a USGA handicap may use 90% of one-half of that as an initial handicap, slope corrected*.
* (Handicap Index) x (SLP/113) * (0.9) = Initial GA Handicap. Where SLP equals the current local slope (121).
- Players with established handicaps from the last season will begin a new season with the last season's final handicap. Senior members with a previous GA handicap based on white tee play and electing to play the senior tees shall have their prior white tee handicap lowered by 1 stroke.
- Handicaps shall be calculated in accordance with the following schedule:
Number of Rounds |
Calculation |
1 |
80% |
2 |
85% of average score |
3 |
90% of average of 2 best scores |
4-6 |
95% of average of 3 best scores |
7-8 |
95% of average of 4 best scores |
9+ |
95% of average of 4 best of last 8 |
- For handicap purposes, the maximum score for any hole shall not exceed the values in the following table:
Handicap |
Maximum score on any Hole |
0-9 |
2 more than par |
10-18 |
3 more than par |
19+ |
4 more than par |
Note: The official scorecard turned in after a match, must reflect the handicapped score only.
5. No player shall give more than 2 strokes per hole. [Note: This applies to both medal and stroke play.]
6. Substitutes without established handicaps shall be handicapped on the basis of their first match and the results of the first match determined accordingly. In such a case, the actual scorecard is to be turned in to the S/K.
7. All handicaps shall be calculated on the basis of medal play. All handicaps are calculated based on the rating for the tee played.
8. Any team or substitute league member playing as a substitute in a match shall have their score applied to their handicap calculation (Article XVIII, item 2f).
9. Handicaps to be used for each round of the playoffs are calculated based on 95% of the average of the best Y match scores for the entire regular season, including playoff scores, where Y=INT(#matches/2). If less than 8 (6 in 2021) matches were played, then the calculation shall follow Article XIV, Item 3.
10. Play in NISTGA outings shall be included in the handicap computation for league play. The final score for each nine, adjusted for excess strokes on each hole, shall have 50% of the course rating subtracted, shall be multiplied by the ratio of the course rating to the Poolesville rating, rounded to the nearest integer, and then posted to the NISTGA database.
ARTICLE XV. Substitutes
1. Any person that is a NIST golf league member, an active, retired, or past employee of NIST, and is a member of SEBA may play as a substitute except as limited by Parts 2 and 3 of this article.
2. A team may be represented by two substitutes for any match except when a team is playing in the division and championship play-offs. In play-offs, the team shall be represented by at least one regular team member and a substitute that has played in at least four previous league matches in that season or a regular league member whose team is not involved in the playoffs.
3. In non-playoff matches, a regular team member may play as a substitute for another team, as long as that team is not playing against the member's team. In play-offs, substitution is governed by Article XV, item 2.
ARTICLE XVI. Scoring/Play
1. Golfers shall play head-to-head matches with golfers on the opposing teams. Highest handicap player plays highest handicap - lowest handicap player plays the lowest handicap (regardless of the tee played). If handicaps are the same, the pairing shall be determined by random selection. Substitutes without handicaps shall play in the position of the team member they are substituting for. Senior members who chose to play from the senior tees must make that selection at the time of team signup and must play those tees for the entire year.
2. Scoring for nine-hole matches shall be as follows:
a. One point for each hole won in individual match play (1/2 point each in case of a tie).
b. Three points for low net score in individual stroke play (1-1/2 points each in case of a tie).
c. Three points for low team net score (1-1/2 points each team in case of a tie).
Note: On this basis the teams will be competing for a total of 27 points, unless a penalty or forfeit is involved, in which Article XVIII shall apply.
3. All matches shall be played on the league designated course on the same day. When any match cannot be completed because of inclement weather, the following applies:
a. When fewer than five holes are completed by any team, the matches for the entire league shall be replayed (nine holes).
b. When five or more holes are completed, the match is complete and the USGA handicapping rules apply, i.e., each players score for the unplayed holes shall be on the basis of net par.
c. The medal (stroke) points shall then be computed in the normal manner, and all remaining match points are halved.
Example: When 5 holes or more are completed by the slowest team, the match is effectively over. The medal (stroke) play points are awarded on the basis of the holes played. The match play points are determined on the basis of the holes played, plus each of the unplayed holes is halved.
For handicapping purposes, it is necessary to complete the score card. The gross scores must be marked on the card for each of the un-played holes. On any un-played hole for which a player would receive 1 handicap stroke (based on the gross handicap, not the net difference with the opponent), his gross score is 1 over par (net par); 2 handicap strokes, 2 over par; no handicap strokes, par, etc. Only for the purpose of handicap, the round is then totaled.
ARTICLE XVII. Playoffs, Post-season
Updates to Playoff information (September 2021)
The team from each division with the most accumulated points for each half shall be a division half winner and enter the playoffs. If the same team wins both halves then the second place team from either half with the most season points shall be the second entrant into the playoffs. In the event of a tie for either half playoff position the tie shall be broken on the basis of most intra-division points accumulated in the half, or, if still tied, most head-to-head points accumulated in the half, or, if still tied, by coin flip.
Two wildcard teams shall be selected for the playoffs. The team from each division that has not already qualified for the playoffs and has the most total season points (both halves) shall be the wildcard selection from that division for the playoffs. In the event of a tie it shall be decided on the basis of most intra-division points accumulated during the season, or, if still tied, most head-to-head points accumulated during the season, or, if still tied, by coin flip.
The playoff schedule shall be as follows:
- a. First week: Division winners shall be seeded based on total season points accumulated, or if tied on total intra-division points accumulated, or if still tied on a coin flip. The top seed in each division shall have a bye for the first week of the playoffs. The first week match will then be between the second division seed and the wildcard team.
- b. Second week: The winner in the first week division match shall play the top seed from that division. This match determines each division champion.
- c. Third week: The two division champions shall play a final match to determine the League Champion. The playoff brackets are depicted in the attached file.
The firm schedule for each playoff round is each Wednesday following regular week 15, pending the weather call, at our regular tee times and front/back schedule set by Poolesville. All playoff rounds are nine holes. Players pay their own 9-hole fee at the clubhouse ($25 minus any applicable discounts). If you cannot make a match be sure to get a substitute. Anyone not involved in playoffs can sub.
A tie at the end of any playoff match shall be settled by the play of another hole (in the normal course rotation) with 3 points in play (one point for each individual match, offset handicap adjusted, and one for net team total), with additional holes played as necessary.
- To be eligible for league prizes and trophies, a league member shall have participated in at least 30 % of official league matches.
6. The Golf Association Match Play Champion shall be determined as follows:
a. A member of the Association is eligible if that member has completed 7 or more matches during regular league play. Play against a virtual golfer shall count towards the 7 match requirement but not towards the win percentage.
b. The member with the most wins during the season shall be ranked #1. The top 3 members with the best win percentage ((wins + 0.5 * ties) / total matches played) shall be eligible, and shall be ranked 2 through 4 based on that percentage. Ties shall be broken by the following criteria: i. most rounds played, ii. best win percentage in head-to-head play against the tied member(s), iii. random selection by the scorekeeper.
c. The elimination match shall consist of two 9 hole, match play rounds, using playoff handicaps. The top and fourth ranked players and the second and third ranked players shall be matched for the 9 hole elimination match. The winner of each elimination match shall then play a 9 hole match for the championship. Ideally, this could be completed in one 18 hole round, where all 4 match play competitors particpate. Ties in any match shall be broken by playing extra holes in the normal rotation.
d. The Match Play Champion matches shall be played within three weeks of the completion of regular season play. If an eligible player is unavailable during this period the next available eligible player shall be selected. If the match is not completed within the three week requirement the President shall schedule a tee time for the first available eligible members.
In week 17, consisting of playoff and fun rounds, the playoff rounds will be scheduled to be the first off so that they can finish under the best light conditions.
ARTICLE XVIII. Postponements/Unopposed Play/Discontinued Play/Partial Play/Protests
1. A match shall be considered unopposed when the following criteria are met:
a. The scheduled tee time has passed or the time the tee first became available in the scheduled start rotation, whichever is later, and
b. One of the members of the match has hit their second shot.
Example: Your group's scheduled tee time is 4:14. There is a rain delay. Your turn at the tee actually arrives at 4:36. You can then tee off and once any person in the group has hit their second shot the forfeiture is official (provided the match is completed).
c. Except that a team with both members present may voluntarily postpone their start to the end of the queue and a late player may join the match at the first accessible tee where no player has hit their second shot, in which case the match shall be scored as a partially played match (3 below).
2. In the case of unopposed holes the following applies:
a. If one player fails to appear for the scheduled match, then he/she is awarded 0 match play points and the overall medal points (3) CANNOT be awarded to the team with the missing player. The opposing players compete for 12 points. The unopposed player plays a virtual golfer with scoring as given in sub-item g. Thus, the team fielding 2 players can win a maximum of 27 points, and the team with one player, a maximum of 12 points. The team fielding two players selects which one plays against the virtual golfer.
b. If a team fails to appear for a scheduled match, both members of the opposing team shall play the virtual golfer. Overall medal points are based upon play against the virtual team total, i.e., 2 * par + 18 (27 point match)
c. If only one player is available from each team, they shall play a head-to-head match and the team net score (3 points) shall not be awarded. Thus, a total of 12 points only can be awarded.
d. If only one player from both teams is available to play, that person plays the virtual golfer. (12 pt match)
e. If neither team is represented no points are awarded.
f. Individual scores, when unopposed, are applicable in computing handicaps.
g. Each unopposed player shall play a virtual golfer. The virtual golfer scores a net bogey for every hole and has the same handicap as the unopposed player. This gives the virtual golfer a medal net score of 45 for the front and 44 for the back nine. Match and medal points are awarded as per ARTICLE XVI, items 2a and 2b. The team score for the team with a missing player is the net score of the player present plus the assigned medal net score of the virtual golfer (45-front 9, 44-back 9)
3. If a match is incomplete because a player either a) arrives after other participants in his or her match have teed off, or, b) discontinues play for any reason (e.g., personal, injury, illness, failure to stay at the course for 30 minutes following a weather delay), the match would be scored as follows:
a. The unplayed holes would be scored using the virtual golfer rules, with the total score for the defaulting player being the sum of scores posted by the defaulting player on the contested holes, plus net bogeys (ala virtual golfer) for the unplayed holes. This "hybrid" total would then be the mark to tie or beat for determining individual match play points and match play winner. Individual match play points (for the holes actually competed) are the only individual points the defaulting player is eligible for; individual medal points can only accrue to the opponent, if the score so dictates. The 3 overall team medal points will be awarded as usual and both teams are eligible, provided that the teammate of the defaulting player has completed the full round. If not, only the opposing team is eligible for these points.
b. For the defaulting player the outcome of the match play will become part of the match play record, no matter how many holes are played and the match will count in terms of the 9-match eligibility for the match play championship. However, the 'hybrid' score will be used in the computation of handicap only if the hybrid score is equal to or lower than the player's current handicapped value.
c. For the defaulting player's opponent, the match will count in terms of the 9-match eligibility for the match play championship. This player's score will also be counted towards handicap calculation. However, a win or loss will only be part of the match play record if at least 5 opposed holes are played.
d. For a late arriving player who elects to enter his or her match after opponents have teed off on the first hole (with current 15-min grace period still defining the tee-off time)
i) the first hole of eligibility for play is as per above,
ii) for players teeing off for any hole, there is to be no elective delay for the purpose of waiting for a late arriving player,
iii) scoring will be as in a and b above.
4. Protests shall be lodged in writing on the Weekly Score Sheet, or an attachment to same, and submitted at the conclusion of the round in question. The Rules Committee shall rule on the protest within forty-eight (48) hours. The match point totals will be awarded according to the Rules Committee Decision and the teams involved in the protest will be notified of the decision prior to the next round.
ARTICLE XIX.Cancellation of Matches
1. The President shall have responsibility for canceling matches. (See Duties of President)
2. The GA shall cancel regularly scheduled matches on days that all of NIST is administratively closed before the end of the normal workday. This includes situations in which NIST is administratively closed for the entire day.
3. Regular season matches cancelled for any reason, shall be rescheduled for the following week and the remaining matches shall be moved back accordingly so that the season will not be shortened.
4. Notice of cancellation shall be given by the President via the email distribution list (seba-golf@nist.gov) and via NIST phone system. (301-975-2508)
Revised: May 2023
Activities of the GA shall be governed by the USGA Rules except for the additional allowances below. Also note local rules printed on the scorecard. [Note: The USGA rules for medal play shall govern.]
Drop ball within two club lengths of the point where the ball was estimated to be lost, but not nearer to the hole or play from the previous point of play. One stroke penalty.
A player should pick up when PAR + 6 is reached on any hole.
USGA rule 28 applies. One stroke penalty.
Note: Relief for a plugged ball, i.e., a ball in its own pitch mark, is allowed only in the closely mown grass through the green (e.g., the fairway). Reminder: Any ball found outside a water hazard can be declared unplayable.
OUT-OF-BOUNDS (white stakes)
Drop ball anywhere within two club lengths of the point where the ball crossed the boundary, but not nearer to the hole. One stroke penalty.
Note: In the case where the ball position is beyond the green, "not nearer to the hole" can be modified by, "or not more than 2 club lengths from the point where the ball crossed the boundary of the course.
Note: In the case where the drop area is in a tall grass hazard, the drop point is where the ball entered the tall grass.
WATER - CROSSING HAZARD (yellow stakes)
When a ball is hit into a crossing water hazard, USGA rule 26 applies, except as follows. If two consecutive balls are hit into a crossing water hazard, the player may drop the ball within 2 club lengths of the water on the other side. For example, the player now lies 5 hitting 6 (1 in, 2 out, 3 in, 4 out, 5 across) when the first stroke was from the teeing ground. The player has the option to drop a ball behind the water hazard, keeping the point at which the original ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped, with no limit to how far behind the water hazard the ball may be dropped.
When a ball is hit into a lateral water hazard, USGA rule 26-1c applies. When a ball is hit into a lateral hazard, a ball is dropped outside the water hazard (with a one stroke penalty) within 2 club lengths of 1) the point where the original ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard or 2) a point on the opposite margin of the water hazard equidistant from the hole, and in both instances not nearer to the hole than the point where the original ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard. The player has the option to hit from the original position rather than using the 2 club lengths rule. The player has the option to drop a ball behind the water hazard, keeping the point at which the original ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped, with no limit to how far behind the water hazard the ball may be dropped
TALL GRASS - LATERAL HAZARD (no stakes) See examples in Appendix B
Tall grass hazards are areas where the grass is taller than rough and the grass is unmown. These areas are not marked and the opposing player must agree when this rule is applied. When a ball is hit into a lateral tall grass hazard, USGA rule 26-1c applies. When a ball is hit into a lateral hazard, a ball is dropped outside the tall grass hazard (with a one stroke penalty) within 2 club lengths of 1) the point where the original ball last crossed the margin of the tall grass hazard or 2) a point on the opposite margin of the tall grass hazard equidistant from the hole, and in both instances not nearer to the hole than the point where the original ball last crossed the margin of the tall grass hazard. The player has the option to hit from the original position rather than using the 2 club lengths rule. The player has the option to drop a ball behind the lateral hazard, keeping the point at which the original ball last crossed the margin of the hazard directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped, with no limit to how far behind the hazard the ball may be dropped.
Note: The designated drop area on hole #8 may be used when taking relief from the water hazard or tall grass hazard.
Note: For all hazards, when taking a drop, the reference point is the point where the ball last crossed the margin of the hazard, NOT the current ball location.
Winter rules are observed for the entire season. Any lie in the fairway in play may be improved with the club head, foot, or hand, but cannot be moved more than six inches or to the nearest grass, no closer to the hole. To speed up play, it is recommended that the ball be placed by hand.
The golf club may not be grounded. Rake trap after playing.
In general, players should not stand close to or directly behind the ball, or directly behind the hole, when another player is about to play. On the putting green, players should not stand on another player’s line of putt or cast a shadow over his line of putt.
Take your practice swings and line up your putts while others are shooting or putting. Be prepared to shoot when it is your turn. If you are ready and the customary person is not, play.
The flowerbeds will be treated as ground under repair as specified in USGA Rule 25. In order to get a free drop, there has to be ““reasonable evidence”” that the ball was lost in the flowerbed.
Play prior to competition: USGA Rule 7-1(b) is waived. (you may play a practice round)
PLAY FAST ****** added notes to the NIST GA Rules of Play
You do not have to wait on a slow player, except at the next tee. Play ahead.
Watch your ball!!! If you immediately begin to bemoan the fates and do not watch your ball to its final destination, you deserve to lose it. Pick out landmarks to note its location. Remember them. Walk directly to your ball. Do not delay finding it. Starting your search only after others have hit delays everyone.
Follow the time limit rule for ball searches (Rule 27). Once the approximate area of the ball is reached, the opposing captain should start the clock on the 5 minute limit. Searchers easily lose track of time when looking. Enforce this rule. Be aware of USGA rule 1-3 if you choose not to enforce this rule.
Look for out-of-bounds balls only if it does not delay play. That is, searchers should hit first, search while others are hitting, and then move on with the others.
Teeoff time is 4:00 pm. If a ball is not teed up with a golfer standing over it at 4:01, the next team is invited to start. This is not an arrival time, or any other kind of time other than a teeoff time. You are expected to have your shoes on, pants on, gloves on, club in hand, and to have finished any warm up or other idiosyncratic habits. Be prepared.
Play ready golf. Beware of golf etiquette. Do not apply it if it slows play. If you are ready to tee off, do so. Don't wait for 'honors' person if that person is not ready once the fairway is open. (Rule 10-2a is waived for League play when the proper player is not ready.) Rule 10-2b is waived if the proper player is not ready to hit. Then the next player under 10-2b shall hit. Ready to hit means 'club in hand' ready to do the normal pre-shot routine. The same with putting if others don't even have the putter in hand. Don't wait for the away person if that person hasn't gotten to the green yet. Much of your 'pre-shot' routine can be done while others hit.
Admiration of someone else's performance is appropriate only if it not your turn to hit next.
Players in opposite hinterlands don't have to wait for each other.
Plan ahead. Put your bag on the path towards the next tee while you wait for someone else to putt, or if you have to go to the back of the green to get to your ball. Sight your putt while others sight theirs so you will be ready when it is your turn. Use your waiting time productively.
Repair divots while you wait so the next group does not need to, even if they aren't yours. It will save them time. (Repair spike marks only after you have putted.)
Have your club in hand before it is your turn to hit. Period. No excuses.
Clear the green before marking scores, discussing results, and idling about with other non-stroke activities.
Be reminded of USGA rule 6-7 for UNDUE DELAY. Apply it.
Keep up with the group ahead. If you cannot do so, then let the following group play through.
APPENDIX B. Examples
July 17, 2018
-updated formation language for league to three divisions (ARTICLE XIII.)
March 12, 2020 - Updated bylaws with changes from 2019 - about divisions, new selection for top 4 match play participants
September 28, 2021 - Updated the schedule for playoffs based on smaller league size and 9 hole restrictions
April 26, 2022 - updated parts of bylaws based on changes for 2022 season.
April 29, 2023 - updated that regular members can sub for any team except the opposition of that member's team.